Monday, August 14, 2006

Seventeenth note: how Quentin is an Icon...

Quentin Tarantino...a man that really amazes me.
I don't know which film that was the first one I saw, that he had directed. It could have been Pulp Fiction.
After that I've seen bits and pieces of a few of his films. Not the full features, which totally puts me to shame. Now here is the thing, I found a quote by the man that made me feel so good.

"When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to films.'"

I really don't know why, but I never really get 100 percent attached to Quentin's films. But he certainly grabs me by my balls with things he says. Few people do that the way that he, Robert Rodriguez and Kevin Smith does. They are three men going exactly the way they want and not where everyone else wants them to.

"If you want to make a movie, make it. Don't wait for a grant, don't wait for the perfect circumstances, just make it."

This makes me love him...but do I dare? Not snatching and marrying him, but going ahead despite the situation I am in. Despite the lack in cash and knowledge in film. I am terrefied. Because I know it would take up a lot of time, but in the end it could be worth it. Theatre could however be much easier. A good learning experience.
Christ I am terrefied...

Current film: Sin City (an evidence that you can learn)
Current song: just anything from the 90es will do right now.
Current new knowledge: Cosmic ordering...(I'll explain later)


Blogger beakid said...

Kill Bill är bäst. Kika in min blogg btw, du har blivit inbjuden :)

7:31 PM  

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